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  1. Disable request logging to prevent PHP SEGFAULT error:

    Open app/code/local/Ebizmarts/SagePaySuite/Helper/Data.php and find the following lines:

    $rqlabel = new Zend_Text_Table_Row();
    $rqlabel->appendColumn(new Zend_Text_Table_Column('REQUEST', 'center', 5));
    $inforqp = new Zend_Text_Table_Row();
    $inforqp->appendColumn(new Zend_Text_Table_Column($this->_filterRequest($request), 'left', 5));

    Replace them with:

    // //Request
    // $rqlabel = new Zend_Text_Table_Row();
    // $rqlabel->appendColumn(new Zend_Text_Table_Column('REQUEST', 'center', 5));
    // $table->appendRow($rqlabel);
    // $inforqp = new Zend_Text_Table_Row();
    // $inforqp->appendColumn(new Zend_Text_Table_Column($this->_filterRequest($request), 'left', 5));
    // $table->appendRow($inforqp);
  2. Open skin/frontend/base/default/sagepaysuite/js/sagePaySuite_Checkout.js file and find the following lines:

    var placeBtn = $('onestepcheckout-place-order');

    Replace it with:

    var placeBtn = $('onestepcheckout-place-order');
    placeBtn && placeBtn.hide();
  3. Open app/code/local/Ebizmarts/SagePaySuite/etc/config.xml file and find the following lines:


    Replace them with:

  4. In case you are using “Saved Credit Cards” feature, navigate to

    System > Configuration > TM Checkout > Firecheckout > Ajax save and reload rules

    And change following configution:

    • Payment methods depends on: Add Billing Address option.
    • Additionally you have to add the billing:register_account value into “Billing Address” save rules, if you are using any of 2 or 3-columns modes.

      In order to add this value, just type it into the field and press enter.

    Configuration screenshot

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