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Mirasvit Rewards

When using Mirasvit_Rewards module, review sections starts showing zero totals. To fix this issue, apply the changes below.

  1. Open app/code/local/Mirasvit/Rewards/Model/Observer/Order.php and find the following line:

    //this does not calculate quote correctly
    if (strpos($uri, '/checkout/cart/add/') !== false) {

    Replace it with:

    //this does not calculate quote correctly
    if (strpos($uri, '/checkout/cart/add/') !== false) {
    // this does not calculate quote correctly with firecheckout
    // route name is used to allow customers to change firecheckout url
    $routeName = $observer->getControllerAction()->getRequest()->getRouteName();
    if ('firecheckout' === $routeName) {
  2. Open app/code/local/Mirasvit/Rewards/Model/Observer/Output.php and apply the following patch:

             $html = $transport->getHtml();
    -        $pos = strpos($html, $anchor);
    -        if ($pos !== false) {
    -            $pos2 = $pos - 15;
    -            $anchor2 = '</div>';
    -            $pos2 = strpos($html, $anchor2, $pos2);
    -            if ($pos2 !== false) {
    -                $block = Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock('rewards/checkout_cart_usepoints')
    -                    ->setTemplate('mst_rewards/checkout/cart/usepoints_firecheckout.phtml');
    -                $anchor3 = substr($html, $pos2, $pos - $pos2 + strlen($anchor));
    -                $html = str_replace($anchor3, $block->toHtml().$anchor3, $html);
    -            }
    -        }
    +        $anchor = '<div id="payment-method" class="firecheckout-section">';
    +        $block = Mage::app()->getLayout()->createBlock('rewards/checkout_cart_usepoints')
    +            ->setTemplate('mst_rewards/checkout/cart/usepoints_firecheckout.phtml');
    +        $html = str_replace($anchor, $block->toHtml().$anchor, $html);
             return $this;
  3. Save the file, disable compilation mode if needed.

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