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Managing category

Articles can be organized by Category to make easier what the customers are looking for. In order to create new category, please go

Also you can create multiple categories and direct support faqs to them. In order to create a new category go Admin > Swissup > KnowledgeBase > Category and click on Add New.

General tab

Category interface

  • In Enabled field select Yes, if the category will be shown at frontend.
  • In the Name field specify the category Title.
  • In the Sort Order field specify the category sort order.

Search Engine Optimization

  • In the Url Key field specify the category url identifier.
  • In the Meta Title field specify the category meta title.
  • In the Meta Keywords field specify the category meta keywords.
  • In the Meta Description field specify the category meta description.


  • In the Store select the store where the category will be active. This setting allows you to assign support category to separate store.

Click on Save.

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