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Pagespeed setup

Store > Configuration > Swissup > Pagespeed

Main section

Main section

Option Description
Enable Allows to enable/disable pagespeed per store view
Enable in developer mode Allows to enable/disable pagespeed per in developer mode
Test GZIP compression Test gzip compression support on your web server
Server HTTP/2 push enabled Enable/disable native HTTP/2 support

Minify HTML Content section

Minify HTML Content

Option Description
Enable Allows to enable/disable minify your pages HTML content. (Yes)
Js Content Minification Enable Allows to enable/disable minify inline JS at HTML content. (Yes)
Css Content Minification Enable Allows to enable/disable minify inline CSS at HTML content. (Yes)
Minify Templates Allows to enable/disable minify phtml templates (Yes)

JavaScript Settings section

JavaScript Settings

Option Description
Merge JavaScript Files Allows to merge your javasripts files (Yes)
Enable JavaScript Bundling Allows to eneble/disable JavaScript Bundling (No)
Enable Advanced JavaScript Bundling (RequireJs)* Allows to eneble/disable Advanced JavaScript Bundling (No)
RequireJS Bundle Generator Build Config r.js optimize tool config. RequireJS bundle config generating
Minify JavaScript Files Allows to enable/disable minify javascripts files (Yes)

Deferred javascripts

Option Description
Enable Allow to enable/disable deferred running all js code at page
Add Unpack Allow to enable/disable using custom js code unpacking

CSS Settings section

CSS Settings

Option Description
Merge CSS Files Allows to merge your css files (Yes)
Minify CSS Files Allows to enable/disable minify css files (Yes)

Critical CSS (Prioritize Visible Content)

Option Description
Enable Allows to enable/disable Critical Css (Yes)
Default Critical CSS There is only what the user can see when they first load the page. This means that we only need to load the minimum amount of CSS required to render the top portion of the page across all breakpoints. For the remainder of the CSS, we don’t need to worry as we can load it asynchronously. You can generate your site critical css here.
Use built-in critical CSS feature Enable/disable Magento’s built-in critical.css file.
Merge custom critical css files from your theme Enable/disable custom critical css from your theme.

Image Processing Settings section

Image Processing Settings

Optimize Catalog Images

Before images can be optimized, you will need to install the Optimizers as described in article

sudo apt install jpegoptim
sudo apt install optipng
sudo apt install pngquant
sudo npm install -g svgo
sudo apt install gifsicle
sudo apt-get install webp

php bin/magento catalog:images:resize

Also you can use our improved command.

bin/magento swissup:pagespeed:images:resize -h
  Creates resized and optimized product and custom images and their responsive images 0.5x 0.75x 2x 3x

  swissup:pagespeed:images:resize [options]

  -l, --limit=LIMIT                  limit --limit=10 (default: 100 000) [default: 100000]
  -f, --filename=FILENAME            filename filter --filename=1.png
      --with-custom[=WITH-CUSTOM]    If set, the task will resize custom images [default: true]
      --with-product[=WITH-PRODUCT]  If set, the task will resize catalog images [default: true]

It creates resized and optimized product and some custom media images and their responsive duplicates 0.5x 0.75x 2x 3x. Custom dirs are wysiwyg, catalog/category, easybanner, easyslide, swissup, highlight, easycatalogimg, prolabels, testimonials, mageplaza inside pub/media.

It has custom options such us:

Option Description
–limit Limit of images per task
–filename Filename filter for images
–with-custom If set, the task will resize custom images [default: true]
–with-product If set, the task will resize catalog images [default: true]
Option Description
Enable Allows to enable/disable image auto opmisation (Yes)
Enable WebP Support Enable/disable webp image detecting and generating
Enable Responsive Images Support Enable/disable responsive images detecting and generating (0.5x, 0.75x, 2x, 3x)
Default Responsive Images Sizes Default sizes atribute values
Enable Cron Enable/disable cron schedule(s). (No)
Cron Limit Limit images per one cron task. (1000)

Lazy loader for images

Image Lazy load settings

Option Description
Enable Allows to enable/disable image lazy loading (Yes)
Ignore Field specify images that won’t be lazy loading.
Option Description
Auto Specify image dimensions Allows to enable/disable auto add image width/heigh attributes (No)

Expire Header section

Expire Header

Option Description
Add Expire Header Enable Allows to enable/disable adding Expire header to response
TTL for public content Time To Live for response by default +1 year

DNS-prefetch section


The dns-prefetch link relation type is used to indicate an origin that will be used to fetch required resources, and that the user agent SHOULD resolve as early as possible.

Option Description
Enable Allows to enable/disable DNS Prefetch feature
See also

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