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Amazon-like metadata

Amazon is largest e-commerce in Internet. So it’s wise to follow its best practices.

We browsed through a lot of Amazon products and checked how they prepare metadata for their products. Examples of templates for metadata you can find below. You can you those templates in our module.

We prepare templates base on data collected in February 2019.

Meta Title


Argento.mage: {{attribute code="name"}}: {{categories direction="from_top" depth="1"}}

Replace Argento.mage with your store address (or name).

After template generating you’ll get titles like this:

  • Argento.mage: Ajax Full-Zip Sweatshirt : Men
  • Argento.mage: Cassia Funnel Sweatshirt: Women
  • Argento.mage: Set of Sprite Yoga Straps: Gear

Meta Description


{{attribute code="name"}}: {{categories direction="from_assigned" depth="1"}} - Argento.mage ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases

Replace Argento.mage with your store address (or name).

And instead of free delivery message you can write anything else. For example, “❤ New arrivals every week” or “5€ coupon for new customes”.

Template generates follow descriptions:

  • Ajax Full-Zip Sweatshirt : Hoodies & Sweatshirts - Argento.mage ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
  • Cassia Funnel Sweatshirt: Hoodies & Sweatshirts, Women Sale - Argento.mage ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
  • Set of Sprite Yoga Straps: Gear, Fitness Equipment - Argento.mage ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases

Meta Keywords


{{attribute code="name"}}, {{attribute code="brand,manufacturer"}}, {{categories direction="from_assigned" depth="1"}}, {{attribute code="sku"}}

Template generates keywrods:

  • Ajax Full-Zip Sweatshirt , Fancy Brand, Hoodies & Sweatshirts, MH12
  • Cassia Funnel Sweatshirt, Fancy Brand, Hoodies & Sweatshirts, Women Sale, WH08
  • Set of Sprite Yoga Straps, Gear, Fitness Equipment, 24-WG085_Group
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