Argento Pure 2.0 Header
Step 1
To replace demo logo with your own, please upload your image to
via ftp manager.
If your image has different name or file format, you will need to proceed to step 2.
Step 2
Navigate to Magento configuration: System > Configuration > Design > Header
change values of Logo Image Src
and Small Logo Image Src
options according
to your file name.
Step 3
In order to provide sharp images for devices with high DPI ratio (retina displays), you’ll need to upload twice large logo’s as follows:
in case if original logo
name was logo.png
in case if original logo
name was logoname.gif
Pure 2.0 theme utilize AjaxSearch module for the search functionality. You can
configure Suggestion popup and Search engine settings at
System > Configuration > Templates-Master > Ajax Search
Pure 2.0 theme utilize NavigationPro module for top navigation.
You can configure Menu items at Templates-Master > Navigation Pro
Please read the following docs about NavigationPro features:
Sticky Navigation
Sticky navigation is enabled by default for wide and long screens. If you would like to disable sticky navigation, you can use the following methods:
- Argento Pure 2.0 configuration
Disable Sticky Navigation using custom layout update file
<remove name="sticky_header"/>