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Argento Pure 2.0 Header

Pure 2.0 header

Step 1

To replace demo logo with your own, please upload your image to skin/frontend/argento/pure2_custom/images/logo.png via ftp manager.

If your image has different name or file format, you will need to proceed to step 2.

Step 2

Navigate to Magento configuration: System > Configuration > Design > Header and change values of Logo Image Src and Small Logo Image Src options according to your file name.

Step 3

In order to provide sharp images for devices with high DPI ratio (retina displays), you’ll need to upload twice large logo’s as follows:

skin/frontend/argento/pure2_custom/images/logo@2x.png in case if original logo name was logo.png


skin/frontend/argento/pure2_custom/images/logoname@2x.gif in case if original logo name was logoname.gif

Pure 2.0 theme utilize AjaxSearch module for the search functionality. You can configure Suggestion popup and Search engine settings at System > Configuration > Templates-Master > Ajax Search

Pure 2.0 theme utilize NavigationPro module for top navigation. You can configure Menu items at Templates-Master > Navigation Pro.

Please read the following docs about NavigationPro features:

Sticky navigation is enabled by default for wide and long screens. If you would like to disable sticky navigation, you can use the following methods:

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