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Display brand block on category page

You can add the code mentioned below to the product list template, that is shown on category page.

Usually you can find it at app/design/frontend/YOUR_PACKAGE/YOUR_THEME/template/catalog/product/list.phtml

Example 1

Brand block on category page

    echo Mage::helper('attributepages/product')
        ->setAttributeCode(array('brand', 'gender'))
        ->setCssClass('hidden-label a-center')
            'brand'  => true,
            'gender' => false
        ->setSize(38, 17)

Look at list of available attributepages/product helper methods

Example 2

Brand block on category page

    echo Mage::helper('attributepages/product')
        ->setAttributeCode(array('brand', 'gender'))
        ->setSize(38, 17)

Look at list of available attributepages/product helper methods

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