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Admin interfaces

We provide interfaces that allow you to manage settings of sliders and slides directly in Magento backend. You can configure a lot of effect types, some different animation and control types. Also Easy Slider interface allows you to specify duration and frequency for each slider.

Manage sliders interface

To edit the slider, please select the one you need and click on. At Slider information you can configure the slider options, create and modify slides.

Configuration tab

Edit slider interface

In the Title field specify slider name.

In the Identifier field specify the unique slider’s identifier.lider type. Possible values are ‘Prototype Slider’ and ‘Nivo Slider (jQuery)’.

In the Status field select Yes to enable current slider.

In section ‘Slider Options’ you can configure the following options:

Option Description
Color theme Choose color theme for slider controls
Controls type Arrows, paggination bullets, both or none
Width, px Specify the slider width (optional)
Height, px Specify the slider height (optional)
Effect type of slides change Select animation effect that will be used for slider. Possible values are Slide, Fade, 3D Coverflow, 3D Cube and 3D Flip.
Effect duration, sec Set the duration in seconds for each slide
Slides change frequency, sec Set the slides change frequency in seconds for each slide
Autoglide Select Yes to enable autoglide. The slider will be launched right after load.

Slides tab

At Slides tab you can place the description for each slide that you’ve created. You are allowed to select the position of the description on the slide and select its background. Also you can link the slide with any product in the store. Slides description will help you to place content that is readable by search engines.

Slides tab

In order to modify the slide, please follow next steps:

  1. In the Slide name field specify slide name.
  2. In the Target URL field specify target url, that will allow user to follow the link after clicking on slide.
  3. In the Sort Order field set the sort order for created slide.
  4. In the Is Enabled field select Yes to enable the loaded image.
  5. In the Description field specify the description of the slide if you need.

  6. Slide description can be placed on various positions:
    • in the Desc Position field select the slide’s position from drop down list;
    • in the Desc Background field select the background for the description.
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