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Use Cases


No tabs after installation

If you do not see tabs on product page after installation:

  1. Check if the extension was enabled in SystemConfigurationTemplates-MasterEasyTabsGeneralEnabled
  2. Check if module output is not disabled in SystemConfigurationAdvancedAdvancedDisable Modules OutputTM_EasyTabs
  3. Open your theme catalog.xml and check if your theme has block in catalog_product_view section. If not, please add it or change reference to content or other existing block in app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/tm/easytabs.xml.

Disable native tabs in Magento 1.9 RWD theme

There are 3 ways of dealing with native tabs:

  • Hide tabs with css.

    .product-view .tabs { display: none; }
  • Remove tabs from catalog/product/view.phtml template. Find the following lines and remove them:

    <div class="product-collateral toggle-content tabs">
        <?php if ($detailedInfoGroup = $this->getChildGroup('detailed_info', 'getChildHtml')):?>
            <dl id="collateral-tabs" class="collateral-tabs">
                <?php foreach ($detailedInfoGroup as $alias => $html):?>
                    <dt class="tab"><span><?php echo $this->escapeHtml($this->getChildData($alias, 'title')) ?></span></dt>
                    <dd class="tab-container">
                        <div class="tab-content"><?php echo $html ?></div>
                <?php endforeach;?>
        <?php endif; ?>

Reccuring info tab

Create new tab with following configuration:

General Details

  • Title: Recurring Profile
  • Alias: recurring_info
  • Block Type: Custom Block
  • Sort Order: 10
  • Status: Enabled

Widget Options

  • Block: payment/catalog_product_view_profile
  • Template: payment/catalog/product/view/profile/schedule.phtml
  • Unset (reference::block_alias):

Askit products questions block in tab

You can move questions block from AskIt extension to tab with following configuration:

General Details

  • Title: Questions&nbsp;({{eval code="getCount()"}}) or any other title you want.
  • Alias: askit_tabbed or any other alias you want
  • Block Type: Custom Block
  • Sort Order: 90 or any other sort order to place tab at position you need.
  • Status: Enabled.

Widget Options

  • Block: askit/discussion
  • Template: tm/askit/question/list.phtml
  • Unset (reference::block_alias):

Dynamic tab titles

Use eval directive to call block methods in tab title.

Block Dynamic Tab Title
Tags Tags&nbsp;({{eval code="getCount()"}})
Reviews Reviews&nbsp;({{eval code="getReviewsCollection()->count()"}})
Askit Questions&nbsp;({{eval code="getCount()"}})

Unset multiple blocks

Use comma to unset multiple block from layout.


  1. parent_block1::block_to_unset1,parent_block2::block_to_unset2
  2. right::catalog.product.related,

Duplicated tabs on product page

You can find a lot of custom magento themes with tabs added in layout xml files. When you install EasyTabs in such themes, you can see tabs block twice on product page. To fix it, open your theme catalog.xml or local.xml and find tabs block, it can be looking like this:

<block type="catalog/product_view_tabs" name="" as="info_tabs" template="catalog/product/view/tabs.phtml" >
    <!-- Product description -->
    <action method="addTab" translate="title" module="catalog">
        <title>Product Description</title>
    <!-- Product attributes -->
    <action method="addTab" translate="title" module="catalog">
        <title>Additional Information</title>
    <!-- Reviews-->
    <action method="addTab" translate="title" module="review">
</block> <!-- end: tabs -->

Make layout xml file backup and remove this block, refresh cache.

Adding Custom Product Content

Sometimes users need to create tab with content that is related only for current product similar to “Description”.

EXAMPLE: We’ll create “Video Review” tab that is often asked by users.

  1. Go to AdminCatalogAttributesManage AttributesAdd New Attribute.
  2. Set Attribute code = 'product_video' and Catalog Input Type = 'Text Area'

    Create Attribute

  3. Assign product_video attribute to needed Attributes set (make store indexes reindex if required)

    Attributes set

  4. Go to AdminTemplates MasterEasy TabsProduct Tabs and add new Custom attribute tab

    Attribute Tab

    And save.

  5. Then go to one of your products settings AdminCatalogManage Products and fill custom content in Product Video field (you can get it in Youtube videos SHARE section ) i.e.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Attribute Tab

  6. Now we shoud get following view at Product page

    Attribute Tab

There are two possible ways to implement this feature:

  1. <a href="#TAB_ALIAS_FROM_BACKEND" class="easytabs-anchor easytabs-scroll easytabs-animate">Description</a>

    For example, the link mentioned below will activate the description tab:

    <a href="#product_tabs_description_tabbed" class="easytabs-anchor easytabs-scroll easytabs-animate">Description</a>
  2. Use the external javascript to add the onclick observers.

    $$('WRITE_SELECTOR_HERE').each(function(el) {
        el.observe('click', function(event) {
            var element = this;
            easytabs.each(function (tabs){
                tab = tabs.getTabByHref('#product_tabs_' + 'TAB_ALIAS_FROM_BACKEND');
                if (tab) {
                    var scroll  = true,
                        animate = true;
                    tabs.onclick(element, null, '', scroll, animate);
                    throw $break;

    For example, the code below shows how to add the onclick event to the Write Review and Read Reviews links:

    $$('.rating-links a, .no-rating a').each(function(el) {
        el.observe('click', function(e) {
            var element = this;
            easytabs.each(function (tabs){
                tab = tabs.getTabByHref('#product_tabs_' + 'review_tabbed');
                if (tab) {
                    var scroll  = true,
                        animate = true;
                    tabs.onclick(element, null, '', scroll, animate);
                    throw $break;

Using public events to call javascript on tab activate or deactivate

There are four public events available to listen:

  • easytabs:beforeActivate
  • easytabs:afterActivate
  • easytabs:beforeDeactivate
  • easytabs:afterDeactivate


document.observe('easytabs:afterActivate', function(e) {
    var tab      =,        // string
        content  = e.memo.content,    // dom element
        easytabs = e.memo.easytabs;   // easytabs instance

    console.log(tab + ':' + easytabs.getActivationCount(tab));

Adding Font Icons to Tab headers

You can make make your Tabs look better by adding font icons in the heading

Icons in tabs

Note: Some Font library (i.e. FontAwesome, IonIcons, WeLoveIconFonts) should be enabled at your site

Let’s take FontAwesome as an example.

  • Go to icons catalog and choose the one you like
  • Select the code to insert

    Star Icon

  • Go to Magento admin TemplatesMaster > EasyTabs > Product Tabs and edit tab
  • Insert your icon code to Tab Title field before/after the caption

    Insert code

  • You can add fa-lg classname to make icon a bit bigger (in case you’re using FontAwesome)
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