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General settings

General settings

  • Enabled - enable the module.
  • Facebook Application key and ID - enter your ID and key you’ve got while creating Facebook application. In case you have questions, you can follow next steps (
  • Facebook Application secret key - enter your application secret key.
  • Facebook button language - choose a language for the button from drop down.

Like button configuration

Via configuration you can enable the Facebook Like button display either on a product or category page; define a color theme, enable the display of customer profile picture on the button, etc.

Product page settings Category page settings

  • Enabled - enable the display of Facebook Like button.
  • Send button - enable the display of Share button.
  • Layout style - choose a layout style.
  • Show faces - show a user profile picture on a button.
  • Width - specify the width of the button.
  • Verb to display- choose a verb to display. Recommend and Like values are available.
  • Font - choose a font for the button.
  • Color scheme - select a color scheme for the button.

Product page view Category page view

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