Webshopapps Wsavalidation
, findhookToControllerActionPreDispatch
method and add the following lines:case 'firecheckout_index_saveOrder': $this->_validateFirecheckoutAddress($observer); break;
You should also add the following method to class:
protected function _validateFirecheckoutAddress($observer) { $paymentData = $observer->getControllerAction()->getRequest()->getPost('payment', array()); Mage::getSingleton('firecheckout/type_standard') ->applyPaymentMethod(isset($paymentData['method']) ? $paymentData['method'] : null); // validate billing address //$this->_saveBillingQuote($observer); $this->_saveBillingQuoteAfter($observer); $controller = $observer->getControllerAction(); if ($controller->getResponse()->getBody()) { // validatiopn window is in response $controller->setFlag('', Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action::FLAG_NO_DISPATCH, true); } else { // validate shipping address if needed $shipping = $controller->getRequest()->getPost('shipping'); if (!$shipping || (isset($shipping['same_as_billing']) && $shipping['same_as_billing'])) { return; } Mage::unregister('candidate_addresses'); //$this->_saveShippingQuote($observer); $this->_saveShippingQuoteAfter($observer); if ($controller->getResponse()->getBody()) { // validatiopn window is in response $controller->setFlag('', Mage_Core_Controller_Varien_Action::FLAG_NO_DISPATCH, true); } } }
and find the following lines:"Use The Address I've Entered": function() { $("billing:address_valid").value = '<?php echo Webshopapps_Wsavalidation_Model_Validator_Result::CUSTOMER_OVERRIDE; ?>'; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); }, "Use Validated Address": function() { if(candidateSwitcherBilling()) { if($("billing-address-select")) { changeSelectByValue('billing-address-select','',true); } $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }
Replace them with:
"Use The Address I've Entered": function() { $("billing:address_valid").value = '<?php echo Webshopapps_Wsavalidation_Model_Validator_Result::CUSTOMER_OVERRIDE; ?>'; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); if (typeof FireCheckout !== 'undefined') { checkout.save(); } }, "Use Validated Address": function() { if(candidateSwitcherBilling()) { if($("billing-address-select")) { changeSelectByValue('billing-address-select','',true); } $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); if (typeof FireCheckout !== 'undefined') { checkout.save(); } } }
Find the following lines:
"Edit Address": function() { $("billing:address_valid").value = not_validated; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); }, "Use Address I've Entered": function() { $("billing:address_valid").value = '<?php echo Webshopapps_Wsavalidation_Model_Validator_Result::CUSTOMER_OVERRIDE; ?>'; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); }
Replace them with:
"Edit Address": function() { $("billing:address_valid").value = not_validated; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); }, "Use Address I've Entered": function() { $("billing:address_valid").value = '<?php echo Webshopapps_Wsavalidation_Model_Validator_Result::CUSTOMER_OVERRIDE; ?>'; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); if (typeof FireCheckout !== 'undefined') { checkout.save(); } }
and find the following lines:"Use The Address I've Entered": function() { $("shipping:address_valid").value = '<?php echo Webshopapps_Wsavalidation_Model_Validator_Result::CUSTOMER_OVERRIDE; ?>'; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); }, "Use Validated Address": function() { if(candidateSwitcherShipping()) { if($("shipping-address-select")) { changeSelectByValueShip('shipping-address-select','',true); } $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }
Replace them with:
"Use The Address I've Entered": function() { $("shipping:address_valid").value = '<?php echo Webshopapps_Wsavalidation_Model_Validator_Result::CUSTOMER_OVERRIDE; ?>'; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); if (typeof FireCheckout !== 'undefined') { checkout.save(); } }, "Use Validated Address": function() { if(candidateSwitcherShipping()) { if($("shipping-address-select")) { changeSelectByValueShip('shipping-address-select','',true); } $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); if (typeof FireCheckout !== 'undefined') { checkout.save(); } } }
Find the following lines:
"Edit Address": function() { $("shipping:address_valid").value = not_validated; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); }, "Use Address I've Entered": function() { $("shipping:address_valid").value = '<?php echo Webshopapps_Wsavalidation_Model_Validator_Result::CUSTOMER_OVERRIDE; ?>'; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); }
Replace them with:
"Edit Address": function() { $("shipping:address_valid").value = not_validated; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); }, "Use Address I've Entered": function() { $("shipping:address_valid").value = '<?php echo Webshopapps_Wsavalidation_Model_Validator_Result::CUSTOMER_OVERRIDE; ?>'; $j( this ).dialog( "close" ); if (typeof FireCheckout !== 'undefined') { checkout.save(); } }
Disable compilation mode and refresh the cache.