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Highlight widgets usage


  1. WYSIWYG Editor
  2. Widgets Page
  3. XML Layout Update
  4. PHP Inline Code


Highlight widgets may be inserted into custom content using Magento’s built-in WYSIWYG Editor. This method is recommended to insert widget into cms pages and blocks. It also may be used with any our or third-party extension that utilize Insert Widget button.

Example below shows how to add widget into CMS Page content

  1. Press Insert Widget button.

    Insert Widget Button

  2. Select one of available highlight widgets in Widget Type dropdown.

    Widgets Dropdown

  3. Fill Widget Options form with values you’d like to. See the Widget Settings page, if you are not sure about some options.

    Widget Form

  4. Press Insert Widget button at the right top corner of widget popup.
  5. Save your cms page.

Widgets Page

Magento’s CMS > Widgets page allows easily add custom content to almost all frontend pages. This method is highly recommended to insert highlight widgets.

Example below shows how to add widget to the Product Page

  1. Navigate to CMS > Widgets and press Add New Widget Instance button in the right top corner of the page.

    Widget Instances Grid

  2. Select one of available highlight widgets in Widget Type dropdown and your theme in Design Package/Theme dropdown and press Continue.

    New Widget Instance form

  3. Now you should fill the form with two tabs: Frontend Properties and Widget Options. Lets fill the first one:

    Widget Instance Frontend Properties

    And the second one:

    Widget Instance Options

    See the Widget Settings page, if you are not sure about some options.

  4. Save widget and navigate to product page:

    Highlight Widget on Product Page

XML Layout Update

Here is an xml layout skeleton, that could be used to write code to call any kind of highlight widget:

<block type="highlight/product_featured" name="highlight.featured">
    <action method="setTemplate"><template>tm/highlight/product/grid.phtml</template></action>
    <action method="setTitle"><title>Featured Products</title></action>
    <action method="setProductsCount"><count>4</count></action>
    <action method="setColumnCount"><count>4</count></action>
    <action method="setClassName"><name>highlight-featured</name></action>
    <action method="setPageTitle"><title>See All Featured Products</title></action>

PHP Inline Code

Here is an xml layout skeleton, that could be used to write code to call any kind of highlight widget:

    ->setTitle('Featured Products')
    ->setPageTitle('See All Featured Products')
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