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General settings

General settings

  • Enabled - select Yes to enable a module.
  • `Show full image on click1 - select Yes to show full image on click.
  • Prozoom type - choose a prozoom type. It starts working when hovering your mouse over the image to see a magnified version. The following types are available:
    • Standard - when you are moving your mouse over an image, you’ll see a square with a zoomed piece of image to the right of the main product image.

    Standard zoom

    • Reverse - when you are moving your mouse over an image, you’ll see a square with a zoomed piece of image to the right of the main product image. The main image will be darkened.

    Reverse zoom

    • Inner zoom - when you are moving your mouse over an image, you’ll see a zoomed version of the image that replaces the main product image.


  • Image opacity - specify the image opacity in case you’ve used a Reverse zoom type.
  • Image size - specify the width and height for the display-size of the zoomed image.
  • Thumbnail size - specify the width and height for the thumbnail-size of the main product image.


Configure the lens settings in order to improve a visual experience.

Prozoom lens settings

  • `Enabled - select Yes
  • Cursor type - choose a cursor type for the lens.
  • Cursor type on small image - choose a cursor that will be displayed on small image.
  • Reset position -
  • Opacity - specify an opacity.


The following settings will help you to configure the display of a stage with zoomed piece of image. Make a stage display look well suited for the page content.

Prozoom stage settings

  • Position - select a position of a stage along the main product image. Right, left, top and bottom values are available.
  • Width - set the width of a stage.
  • Height - set a height of a stage.
  • X-offset - set x-offset
  • Y-offset - set y-offset
  • Add image title at the top of the stage - select Yes
  • Effect on stage show - choose an effect.
  • Effect on stage hide - choose an effect.
  • Show effect speed - specify the value in seconds.
  • Hide effect speed - specify the value in seconds.
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