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Category page

Via module configuration you can set the block display either in right or in left columns.

Category page settings

  • Enabled - select Yes to enable the block display.
  • Mode - choose a mode from drop down. Slider, grid, list are available.
  • Products count - set up the products number in personalized list.
  • Order - select an order the products will be listed by. Popularity, sales, random are available.

Category page frontend

Product page

The suggested products block will be shown in “” container. Please check if you didn’t remove the “” container from the product page.

Product page

  • Enabled - select Yes to enable the block display.
  • Mode - choose a mode for suggested products display. Slider, grid, list are available.
  • Products count - set up the products number in personalized list.
  • Order - select an order the products will be listed by. Popularity, sales, random are available.

Product page frontend

Suggest page

The extension is integrated with Suggest Page module. So, you can easily place the related products block directly on magento order confirmation page. You have to fill out the fields first.

Suggest page settings

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