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Argento custom js

Make sure to create and change your theme to Local/argentobreeze-custom before start.

ArgentoBreeze themes are based on Breeze frontend. This means that we can repeat the same steps to add custom JS.


  1. Navigate to Local/argentobreeze-custom directory

    cd <MAGENTO_ROOT>/app/design/frontend/Local/argentobreeze-custom
  2. Create web/js/breeze/ folder and navigate inside:

    mkdir -p web/js/breeze && cd web/js/breeze
  3. Create custom.js file with the following content:

    (function () {
        'use strict';
        $(document).on('breeze:load', function () {
  4. Save the file and run following commands to deploy js file

    cd magento/root/folder
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

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