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Upgrade Instructions

Version 2.x.x - 2.4.0

The easiest way to enable scroll reveal - is to rerun the installer. But this method is not suitable if you’ve made some customizations and want to keep them.

In this case you need open homepage in backend editor and manually add scroll-reveal-container, scroll-reveal-children, and scroll-reveal css classes.



Add scroll-reveal-container css class to the following “Rows”:

  • Slider
  • Summer collections
  • Popular right now
  • Testimonials
  • Get the summer look
  • New Products

Add scroll-reveal-children css class to the following “Columns”:

  • Column1 and Column2 in “Learn out story” section.
  • Column1 and Column2 in “The Circular Denim Project” section.
  • Column1 in “Sign up for our newsletter” section.

Add scroll-reveal-children css class to the following html content:

  • Free Shipping banner: <div class="flex justify-between gap-6 scroll-reveal-children">
  • Ideas for summer carousel: <div class="inline-flex gap-8 scroll-reveal-children" style="margin-right: 32px;">
  • Ready for summer text: <div class="inline-flex gap-8 text-5xl font-bold scroll-reveal-children" style="color: #eee; margin-right: 32px;">
  • Brands list: <div class="grid grid-cols-2 sm:flex flex-wrap gap items-center justify-evenly scroll-reveal-children">

Add scroll-reveal css class to the following elements:

  • Each Text and Buttons element in “Ideas for the summer” section.

Add scroll-reveal-container css class to the “Row” in footer_content CMS block.



Add scroll-reveal-container css class to the following “Rows”:

  • Slider
  • Hot Stuff
  • Ready to Go
  • Bestsellers
  • New Nike Collection
  • Secure Payments Banner

Add scroll-reveal-children css class to the following Elements:

  • Row of the “Get there with us” section.
  • Brands list: <div class="flex flex-wrap gap items-center justify-evenly scroll-reveal-children">

Add scroll-reveal-container css class to the both “Row” in footer_content CMS block.



Add scroll-reveal-container css class to the following “Rows”:

  • Slider
  • New Products and Special Offers banners
  • New Collection/Spring Clearance/Build your connected home banners

Add scroll-reveal-children css class to the following elements:

  • Column1 of each “Top Selling” sections.
  • Brands list: <div class="flex flex-wrap gap items-center justify-evenly scroll-reveal-children">

Add scroll-reveal-cascade css class to the following elements:

  • “New Products” banner
  • “Special Offsers” banner

Add scroll-reveal-children css class to the Column2 and Column3 of the first “Row” in footer_content CMS block.

Add scroll-reveal-container css class to the second “Row” in footer_content CMS block.

Version 1.x.x - 2.x.x

Run the following command to upgrade theme sources to 2.0:

composer require -w swissup/argento-breeze:^2.0

Take a look at breaking changes list in Breeze Module and Theme

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