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Version 1.13.19

Jul 11, 2024

  • Breeze: fixed inability to open mobile search form on the pages with disabled breeze js.

Version 1.13.16

May 17, 2024

  • Split category initialization
  • Add (split) get-graphql-query
  • Improve initialization viewModel

Version 1.13.15

Nov 28, 2023

  • Breeze theme fixes.

Version 1.13.14

Oct 16, 2023

  • Fixed not visible “View all” link.

Version 1.13.13

Aug 22, 2023

  • JS - remove service inputs from accessibility tree.
  • Remove console.log

Version 1.13.12

Jul 6, 2023

  • Fixed layout error

Version 1.13.11

Jul 6, 2023

  • Breeze: integration with breeze:config:dump command

Version 1.13.10

Jun 22, 2023

  • Fix: Undefined factory lmysql

Version 1.13.9

Jun 8, 2023

  • Breeze: fixed visible autocomplete dropdown on initial page load

Version 1.13.8

Jun 5, 2023

  • Breeze: update integration

Version 1.13.7

Apr 22, 2023

  • Fix: Undefined factory elasticsearch8

Version 1.13.6

Apr 22, 2023

  • Remove debugging comments

Version 1.13.5

Mar 20, 2023

  • Fix: Undefined factory ‘opensearch’

Version 1.13.4

Mar 17, 2023

  • Fixed compilation error: $_instanceName must be protected

Version 1.13.3

Mar 17, 2023

  • PHP 8.2: fixed dynamic properties creation

Version 1.13.2

Mar 14, 2023

  • Update deprecated js code.

Version 1.13.1

Nov 15, 2022

  • Icrease default results limit

Version 1.13.0

Oct 24, 2022

  • Update breeze theme integration
  • Breeze theme: fix empty space above products list
  • Improved breeze theme integration
  • Update composer requirements

Version 1.12.0

Aug 26, 2022

  • Fix quickSearch and ajaxsearch initialisation time racing bug (#32)
  • Update composer requirements (>= 2.3.5)
  • Replace deprecated functionality
  • Fix Using constant that does not exist

Version 1.11.24

Aug 10, 2022

  • Improve ajaxsearchCategoryOptions graphql request

Version 1.11.23

Jul 14, 2022

  • Improve code quality (MCS, phpstan)

Version 1.11.22

Jun 17, 2022

  • Breeze prefix for inverted colors
  • Breeze theme fix

Version 1.11.21

Jun 9, 2022

  • Breeze theme: fixed error with undefined less variable

Version 1.11.20

May 17, 2022

  • WIP: category filter on breeze
  • Breeze theme integration updated

Version 1.11.19

Apr 15, 2022

  • Magento 2.4.4 and PHP 8.1 compatibility.

Version 1.11.16

Apr 13, 2022

  • Fix: urldecode ‘query’ param in graphql

Version 1.11.16

Jan 28, 2022

  • Magento Coding Standard fixes

Version 1.11.15

Jan 19, 2022

  • Breeze theme integration
  • Add prevent sending empty query string (close #51)

Version 1.11.14

Dec 1, 2021

  • Prevent break graphql query with js minification
  • Do not use deprecated e.keyCode property

Version 1.11.13

Sep 14, 2021

  • Breeze integration optimizations

Version 1.11.12

Aug 6, 2021

  • Breeze: compatibility with new Turbo option added.

Version 1.11.10

Jun 22, 2021

  • Fixed elasticsearchFulltextSearchCollectionFactory doesn’t exist

Version 1.11.9

Jun 18, 2021

  • Prevent JS error at checkouot page when category filter is enabled.
  • Improve codezone theme integartion (iOS)

Version 1.11.8

May 19, 2021

  • Added codezone integration patch
  • Breeze: update integration

Version 1.11.7

May 14, 2021

  • Breeze integration updated.
  • Fixed PHP error on MagentoCommerce and MagentoB2B versions. -

Version 1.11.6

May 14, 2021

  • Breeze integration updated.
  • Fixed PHP error on MagentoCommerce and MagentoB2B versions.

Version 1.11.5

Apr 26, 2021

  • Breeze integration added.
  • Optimize initialization on mobile devices.

Version 1.11.1

Jan 21, 2021


  • Fix typo: unused code

Version 1.11.0

Jan 20, 2021


  • Added use graphql config option
  • Load categories by graphql request; add config option (close #41)
  • Move graphqlize logic to standalone js file
  • Upgrade select2 to 4.0.13
  • Add config option for categories filter depth (close #42)
  • Add “loader” in MOBILE view when entering search phrase (close #40)


  • Fix Notice: Undefined index: category
  • Remove wrong copyrights

Version 1.10.0

Jan 20, 2021


  • Remove old mysql integration
  • Add graphql StoreConfig extended config data
  • Restore url attribute(s)
  • Fix categories url_key resolving


  • Implements custom graphql suggestions on frontend
  • Implements categories pages graphql resolving
  • Add url_suffix in product data provider
  • Add currency code into product itm provider

Version 1.9.10

Oct 13, 2020

Version 1.9.9

Sep 23, 2020

  • Fixed not clickable search button on desktop Safari.

Version 1.9.8

Jul 31, 2020


  • reMove code to swissup/module-search-mysql-like
  • Cleanup layout instructions
  • Fix array to string conversation (2.4 compatibility)

Version 1.9.7

Jul 29, 2020


  • Allow to install on Magento 2.4

Version 1.9.6

Jul 17, 2020


  • Added auto checking (isTaxIncludingToPrice) for including tax to the product price

Version 1.9.5

Jul 1, 2020


  • Fix ~ expression bug

Version 1.9.4

Jun 24, 2020


  • Fixed RTL css issue

Version 1.9.3

Jun 15, 2020


  • Fix multi currency final price bug #39

Version 1.9.2

Jun 12, 2020


  • Fix ‘Undefined factory elasticsearch7’ #38
  • Fix/catch Magento\Framework\Module\PackageInfo exception

Version 1.9.1

May 7, 2020


  • Improve translates.


  • Refix ‘search’ keyboard button not working on iOS
  • Don’t use transition to hide navigation jumping when flex layout is used.

Version 1.9.0

Apr 30, 2020


  • Add/Update translations ar_SA, uk_UA, sw_SE, es_ES, ru_RU, pt_PT, pl_PL, nb_NO, ko_KR, ja_JP, it_IT, he_IL, de_DE, fr_FR, nl_NL, zh_CN etc.


  • Don’t use transition to hide navigation jumping when flex layout is used. (Pure2).

Version 1.8.8

Feb 17, 2020

  • Fix ‘search’ keyboard button bug on iOS devices

Version 1.8.7

Feb 17, 2020

  • Client-side performance optimizations.

Version 1.8.6

Jan 31, 2020


  • mage 2.2 backward compatability improved

Version 1.8.5

Jan 24, 2020


  • Add composer requirements
  • Fix Elastcsearch ItemProvider fatal error in 2.3.1

Version 1.8.4

Jan 14, 2020


  • Fix : No suggestions popup for second query (#37)
  • Fix elasticsearch integration (#16)

Version 1.8.3

Nov 15, 2019

  • MEQP improvements (severity 9)
  • Fix product final price with Tax

Version 1.8.1

Sep 12, 2019


  • Fix: remove cms page dublication

Version 1.8.0

Aug 19, 2019

  • New “minimalistic form” layout added. Now AjaxSearch provides three form layouts:
    • Default - Initially visible form
    • Icon only - Minimalistic form
    • Icon only - Fullscreen form
  • Improved product list styles in results dropdown.
  • Improved results dropdown sizing when browser gets resized.
  • Better scrolling inside dropdown results on mobile devices.
  • Fixed possible js error on initial page load.
  • Prevent horizontal scrollbar on small tablets.
  • Prevent search form ‘jumping’ while script is initialized.
  • Fixed disabled CMS pages in search result (They shoudn’t appear in results).
  • Do not close results dropdown when click inside that dropdown.
  • All styles moved to _module.less which allows to redefine ajaxsearch variables from your theme less files.

Version 1.7.0

Jun 6, 2019

  • New alternative search method for MySQL Search Engine - “LIKE”. It allows to search for strings with dash (-), one-two-character substrings and has other algorithm for relevance. Can be enabled in module configuration under “MySQL Search Engine” section.

Version 1.6.2

May 29, 2019

  • Fix ‘Search’ button disabled at folded design (close #31)
  • Fix two dropdown popups are rendered (one above another)

Version 1.6.1

May 21, 2019

  • Fixed missing default search when AJAX search is disabled in config.
  • Template initialization refactored

Version 1.6.0

May 02, 2019

  • Added ability to show ‘Popular Search Terms’ when focusing empty search field. (See Stores > Configuration > Swissup > Ajaxsearch > Popular Search Terms Suggestions options.)
  • Small JS and CSS fixes

Version 1.5.3

Mar 29, 2019

  • Fixed possible XSS vulnerability
  • Styles improvements
  • Fixes for RTL styles

Version 1.5.2

Mar 27, 2019


  • Fixed get category url logic
  • Fix composer changelog url

Version 1.5.1

Mar 11, 2019


  • Fixed bottleneck (getFormatPrice load all currencies)
  • Fixed unit tests

Version 1.5.0

Feb 26, 2019

  • Added ability to disable module via backend configuration

Version 1.4.2

Jan 04, 2019

  • Cleanup html markup in the header block

Version 1.4.1


  • Add 2.2.7(2.3) compatability /js/ widget mixin


  • Fix for bug ‘Search button on ios keyboard does not submit the form’

Version 1.4.0


  • Rename composer package swissup/ajaxsearch => swissup/module-ajaxsearch


  • Add patch for category root level
  • Fix unit test storeManager null

Version 1.3.1

  • Add mobile.js
  • Fix for ‘blur’ and IOS
  • Fix cat param doublication bug
  • Fix Rtl select2 workaround min-width

Version 1.3.0

  • Add popular search terms suggestions when input is empty
  • Improved initialization speed
  • Add store filter to the cms page results
  • Small fixes

Version 1.2.9

  • Grid suggestion layout was added
  • Add category filter (select2)
  • etc.

Version 1.2.8

  • Add translation
  • Fix typeahead limit calc bug (limit == count suggestions)
  • etc.

Version 1.2.7

  • Fix not ‘relevance’ sort by
  • Restore original container ‘header-wrapper’
  • Fix query product unit test

Version 1.2.6

  • Now product page is opened when click or press enter on the element in popup
  • Added missing close button and spinner in folded mode
  • Removed mistakenly added cacheable=’false’ param, which disabled FPC
  • Fixed error CollectionFactory already in use
  • Fixed search form submit only after second tap on mobile keyboard

Version 1.2.5

  • Improve initialisation
  • Fix problem when keyboard got closed on iphone
  • Fix final_price bug
  • Add unit test example
  • etc.

Version 1.2.4

  • Add self search layer model
  • Increase search request accuracy
  • Fix collection load bug (replace loadWithFilter at load)
  • Fixed go to search page on enter on folded design
  • Fix js code style
  • Remove dublicate code
  • Move get config option logic to helper data
  • Fallback for minQueryLength in init template
  • etc.

Version 1.2.3

  • Fix critical limit bug
  • Autocompleted string should be grayed out
  • Hint option was disabled
  • Icon positioning and size improvements when folded design is used
  • etc.

Version 1.1.0

This version is not compatible with old Magento versions.

Magento 2.1 and newer are supported only.

  • Magento 2.1 compatibility

Version 1.0.1

  • Context loader added
  • Toggle behavior on mobile device added
  • Dependency injection bugs fixed
  • Search input width was fixed

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial Release
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