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Version 1.5.6

May 3, 2024

  • Breeze: zoom on hover support added.

Version 1.5.4

Mar 12, 2024

  • Do not require category_id when inserting widget using Pagebuilder.

Version 1.5.2

Nov 28, 2023

Version 1.5.1

Sep 21, 2023

  • Integration with Swissup_AjaxLayerednavigation added. Now, the block is correctly hidden when ajax filter is enabled and hide_when_filter_is_used option is used.

Version 1.5.0

Jul 24, 2023

  • Added ability to cache block result. This options is useful, when block is rendered inside navigation dropdown (Same EasyCatalogImg content on all pages).
  • Reduced count of generated responsive images from 6 to 3.

Version 1.4.23

Nov 15, 2022

  • Improved Breeze Theme integration

Version 1.4.19

Apr 7, 2022

  • Improved integration with Magento Pagebuilder module:
    • Fixed js error when adding component into the page.
    • Fixed preview styles.
    • Fixed not working categories_to_hide/show, and sizes options.
  • Magento Coding Standard fixes.

Version 1.4.16

Nov 29, 2021

  • Add magento pagebuilder integration (widget)
  • Remove synonym data-content-type (EasyCatalogImg => easycatalogimg)

Version 1.4.15

Jun 14, 2021

  • Fixed not found image in widget when it should use fallback and take category image attribute.
  • Prevent image duplicates in srcset attribute.

Version 1.4.14

May 21, 2021

  • Improve image resizer - allow to define width only. Useful when images has different heights.
  • Responsive images support added - various devices will now receive images resized according to their screen size.

Version 1.4.13

Jan 22, 2021

  • Fixed possible broken image thumbnail in Magento 2.4

Version 1.4.12

Nov 25, 2020

  • Do not modify category layout via layout.xml
  • Do not output subcategories block on root category (Attribute Pages compatibility)
  • Widget now can be added using backend widget interface. Previously, block was not displayed if added in such a way.

Version 1.4.11

Aug 5, 2020

  • Added category to hide and listing mode options to departments page configuration

Version 1.4.10

Aug 1, 2020

  • Added margin on AMP homepage
  • Prevent styles duplication in styles-m and styles-l files
  • Fixed broken thumbnail upload in Magento 2.4

Version 1.4.8

May 7, 2020

  • 16 locales added to translate backend and frontend phrases:
    • Arabic
    • Chinese
    • Dutch
    • French
    • Hebrew
    • Italian
    • German
    • Japanese
    • Norwegian
    • Korean
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Spanish
    • Swedish
    • Ukrainian

Version 1.4.7

Feb 17, 2020

  • CSS style optimizations.

Version 1.4.6

Oct 16, 2019

  • Code cleanup.

Version 1.4.5

Sep 25, 2019

  • Merge module styles with theme and use its less variables.

Version 1.4.4

Aug 19, 2019

  • Added ability to show parent category link as button. Used at ArgentoForce theme.

Version 1.4.1

  • Fixed possible PHP warning on PHP 7.2

Version 1.3.0

  • Added ability to use widget with categories of one StoreGroup at another StoreGroup. (Previously there was an issue with invalid urls for a such kind of crosslinks)
  • Fixed broken image url, if width wasn’t set to a proper number.

Version 1.2.0

  • Added configurable ‘Departments’ page with masonry layout style

Version 1.1.4

  • Magento 2.2.0 compatibility

Version 1.1.0

This version is not compatible with old Magento versions.

Magento 2.1 and newer are supported only.

  • Magento 2.1.0 compatibility
  • Added ACL resource file

Version 1.0.4

  • Fixed missing Thumbnail class error

Version 1.0.2

  • Improved thumbnail removing logic
  • Fixed broken page when placeholder is not deployed into pub/static

Version 1.0.1

  • pub/media/catalog/category folder is now created if not exists before image assignment
  • Wrong translation placeholders fixed
  • Resize image for widget fixed

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial Release
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