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Email setup

  1. In menu

    Marketing -> Communications -> Email Services or Swissup -> Email Services.

    Note: Paths are identical example1

  2. Press “Add new” button

  3. Create service

    • Specify the Name
    • Choose Type from drop-down
    • Fill all required fields
    • Before enabling you have to click Save and Continue and Check service buttons
    • Enable/Disable

Gmail Service Setup

If Type selects Gmail. Use an App Password: Generate a new App Password for your Gmail account. Sign in with App Passwords


  1. Navigate to

    Stores -> Configurations -> Swissup -> Email or Stores -> Configurations -> Advanced -> System -> Mail Sending Settings

    Note: Paths are identical

  2. Select new service in the “Default Transport Email Service” drop-down config

  3. Save

Gmail API with Google OAuth 2.0 Support Service Setup

If the Type field is set to Gmail OAuth 2.0, please follow the Google instructions to create the required credentials. In your credentials, you need to add Authorized redirect URIs with at least one URI, such as https://localhost/swissup_email/gmail/getOAuth2Token/ (replace localhost with your Magento store URL). Gmail OAuth2 Credential

In the OAuth consent screen, you need to enable the Gmail API scope. Add Scope. Also, add your Gmail email address as a Test User.

After setting up your credentials, enter the following fields:

  • Client ID in User (key)
  • Client secret in Password (secure key)

In the Email (from) field, enter your Gmail email address.

  1. Navigate to

    Stores -> Configurations -> Swissup -> Email or Stores -> Configurations -> Advanced -> System -> Mail Sending Settings

    Note: Paths are identical

  2. Select new service in the “Default Transport Email Service” drop-down config

  3. Save


  1. Navigate “Stores → Configurations → Advanced → System → Mail Sending Settings”
  2. “Logging Enable” set Yes
  3. Navigate to “Marketing → Communications → Email Logs”
See also

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