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Email setup

  1. In menu

    Marketing -> Communications -> Email Services or Swissup -> Email Services.

    Note: Paths are identical example1

  2. Press “Add new” button

  3. Create service

    • Specify the Name
    • Choose Type from drop-down
    • Fill all required fields
    • Before enabling you have to click Save and Continue and Check service buttons
    • Enable/Disable

Gmail service setup

If Type selects Gmail. Use an App Password: Generate a new App Password for your Gmail account. Sign in with App Passwords


  1. Navigate to

    Stores -> Configurations -> Swissup -> Email or Stores -> Configurations -> Advanced -> System -> Mail Sending Settings

    Note: Paths are identical

  2. Select new service in the “Default Transport Email Service” drop-down config

  3. Save


  1. Navigate “Stores → Configurations → Advanced → System → Mail Sending Settings”
  2. “Logging Enable” set Yes
  3. Navigate to “Marketing → Communications → Email Logs”
See also

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