CPF/CNPJ - company&persone code
(Use Case 1 - using an extra field)
A CPF is 11 digits long, comprised of nine base digits, and two digits at the end that are the result of an arithmetic operation on the first nine numbers, meaning any typing mistakes will lead to an invalid number.
Here is an example of a CPF: 231.002.999-00 CPF generator
A CNPJ is a 14-digit number; 12 base digits and two digits at the end that are the result of an arithmetic formula of the base numbers, making any typing mistakes when entering the number lead to an invalid number.
Here is an example of a CNPJ: 13.339.532/0001-09 CNPJ generator
At this article we explaine you how to create company and persone code using magento field “vat_id” and the firecheckout module.
Create a new address field using Address Field Manager module.
- Create
file. custom.js -
According to this an example you may change the field
to theCPF/CNPJ
define([ 'jquery', 'underscore', 'Swissup_Firecheckout/js/utils/form-field/label', 'Swissup_Firecheckout/js/utils/form-field/dependency', 'Swissup_Firecheckout/js/utils/form-field/mask', 'Swissup_Firecheckout/js/utils/form-field/validator', 'Swissup_Firecheckout/js/utils/form-field/watcher', 'mage/translate' ], function ($, _, label, dependency, mask, validator, watcher, $t) { 'use strict'; // validation of CNPJ code function validateCNPJ(num) { var result, numSize = num.length - 2, numbers = num.substring(0,numSize), lastDigits = num.substring(numSize), sum = 0, pos = numSize - 7; for (var i = numSize; i >= 1; i--) { sum += numbers.charAt(numSize - i) * pos--; if (pos < 2) pos = 9; } result = sum % 11 < 2 ? 0 : 11 - sum % 11; if (result != lastDigits.charAt(0)) return false; numSize = numSize + 1; numbers = num.substring(0,numSize); sum = 0; pos = numSize - 7; for (var i = numSize; i >= 1; i--) { sum += numbers.charAt(numSize - i) * pos--; if (pos < 2) pos = 9; } result = sum % 11 < 2 ? 0 : 11 - sum % 11; if (result != lastDigits.charAt(1)) return false; return true; } // validation of CPF code function validateCPF(num) { var sum = 0, checkResult, firstCN = parseInt(num.substring(9, 10), 10), secondCN = parseInt(num.substring(10, 11), 10); checkResult = function(sum, cn) { var result = (sum * 10) % 11; if ((result === 10) || (result === 11)) {result = 0;} return (result === cn); }; // validate first Check Number for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++ ) { sum = sum + parseInt(num.substring(i - 1, i), 10) * (11 - i); } // validate second Check Number if ( checkResult(sum, firstCN) ) { sum = 0; for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++ ) { sum = sum + parseInt(num.substring(i - 1, i), 10) * (12 - i); } return checkResult(sum, secondCN); } } // define scope form which will be using for validation CPF/CNPJ code var scopes = [ '.form-shipping-address', '.checkout-billing-address' ]; _.each(scopes, function (scope) { dependency({ scope: scope, watch: { '[name="custom_attributes[person_company]"]': 'NUM2' // change this value according to your options }, react: { '[name="company"]': 'required|hidden', // the field 'Company' will be hidden when choose "Person" code. '[name="vat_id"]': 'required|required' // this field is required for both company or persone code } }); // set mask CPF/CNPJ field mask(scope + ' [name="vat_id"]', { guide: false, mask: function (raw) { var mask = [/\d/, /\d/,'.',/\d/,/\d/,/\d/,'.',/\d/,/\d/,/\d/,'/',/\d/,/\d/,/\d/,/\d/,'-',/\d/,/\d/]; if ($(scope + ' [name="custom_attributes[person_company]"]').val() == NUM1) { mask = [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/,'.',/\d/,/\d/,/\d/,'.',/\d/,/\d/,/\d/,'-',/\d/,/\d/]; } return mask; } }); //update mask and lable according to custom_attributes watcher(scope + ' [name="custom_attributes[person_company]"]', function (value) { var el = $(scope + ' [name="vat_id"]'), originalValue = el.val(); if (el.data('fc-mask') && el.data('fc-mask').textMaskInputElement) { el.val(''); el.data('fc-mask').textMaskInputElement.update(); el.val(originalValue); el.data('fc-mask').textMaskInputElement.update(); } if ($(scope + ' [name="custom_attributes[person_company]"]').val() == NUM2) { label(el, 'CNPJ'); } else { label(el, 'CPF'); } }); validator('[name="vat_id"]', { 'lazy': true, 'fc-custom-rule-vatid': { handler: function (value) { var spNumbers = value.replace(/[\/\.-]/g, ''); // validate invalid code like: 00000000000000, 11111111111111, etc; if(/^([0-9])\1*$/.test(spNumbers)) { return false; } if ($(scope + ' [name="custom_attributes[cpf_cnpj]"]').val() == NUM2) { var cnpj = new RegExp(/^([0-9]{2}(.)[0-9]{3}(.)[0-9]{3}(\/)[0-9]{4}(-)[0-9]{2})$/).test(value); if (cnpj) { return validateCNPJ(spNumbers); } } else { var cpf = new RegExp(/^([0-9]{3}(.)[0-9]{3}(.)[0-9]{3}(-)[0-9]{2})$/).test(value); if (cpf) { return validateCPF(spNumbers); } return false; } }, message: $t('Invalid Code') } }); }); });
Save the file and run following bash commands to deploy script:
cd magento/root/folder rm -rf var/view_preprocessed pub/static/frontend bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- That’s all.