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Module’s configuration is located at Stores > Configuration > Swissup > GDPR page.

General section

General section

Option Description
Enabled Allows to enable/disable GDPR per store view

Cookie consents section

Option Description
Enabled Allows to enable/disable cookie bar and cookie settings page.
Lifetime How many days should the cookie store information about visitor’s cookie settings.
Integrate with Google Consent Mode Enable/Disable integration with Google Consent Mode v2. Integration is fully automated and doens’t require any additional actions.
Google Consent Defaults Default values to use. They are used until the client accept the consent.
Cookie Bar  
Cookie Wall Mode Allows to enable/disable site overlay until client will accept the cookie consent.
Display Mode Select display mode for cookie bar. See details below the table.
Content HTML to use in cookie bar.
Cookie Settings Page  
URL URL to cookie settings page
Content HTML code with a intro text for cookie settings page.

While we use denied for default values, you can change them to granted:

        "ad_storage": "granted",
        "ad_user_data": "granted",
        "ad_personalization": "granted",
        "analytics_storage": "granted"

Additionally, you can set region-specific behavior:

        "ad_storage": "granted",
        "ad_user_data": "granted",
        "ad_personalization": "granted",
        "analytics_storage": "granted"
    }, {
        "ad_storage": "denied",
        "ad_user_data": "denied",
        "ad_personalization": "denied",
        "analytics_storage": "denied",
        "region": ["AT", "BE", "BG", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "EE", "EL", "ES", "FI", "FR", "HR", "HU", "IE", "IT", "LT", "LU", "LV", "MT", "NL", "PL", "PT", "RO", "SE", "SI", "SK"]

Open Google Documentation to get more info.

There are two display modes available to choose:

  • Minimalistic - Horizontal bar with short description, deny button, accept selection button, and allow all button.
  • Full - Wide vertical bar with short description and fully functional cookie settings block, which allows granular cookie configuration.
Minimalistic Full
Minimalistic Full

Personal Data Consents section

Consents section

This section consists from various consents that have the same configurable options:

Option Description
Enabled Allows to enable/disable consent per store view
Sort Order Allows to sort multiple consents in single form
Title Consent text. HTML and Magento’s WYSIWYG directives are supported.
Show in Forms Allows to show consent in selected forms

Client’s requests section

Client request section

Deletion requests

Option Description
Anonymized data placeholder Placeholder to use for anonymized personal data
Automate request processing Allows to enable/disable automatic request processing
Days to Wait When automation is enabled, process requests created more than X days ago

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