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Highlight Pages

  1. Available Pages
  2. Settings
  3. Create Custom Page

Available Pages

There are following pages available:

Page Default Url
New Products
OnSale Products
Bestsellers (By orders count)
Bulk Bestsellers (By quantity sold)


Configuration is located at Stores > Configuration > Swissup > Highlight page.

Each page has configuration settings that allow to change page title and URL.

Highlight Pages Configuration

Bestsellers and Popular products settings allow to set the Calculation period option. It allows to filter products collection by time period in order to get recent Bestsellers and Popular products.

Advanced settings

You can use layout update xml file to change other settings that are not available in admin. To do that create the file at <theme_dir>/Swissup_Highlight/layout folder.

Possible file names:

  • highlight_view_index.xml - layout update for all pages.
  • highlight_view_bestsellers.xml
  • highlight_view_bulksellers.xml
  • highlight_view_featured.xml
  • highlight_view_newaction.xml
  • highlight_view_onsale.xml
  • highlight_view_popular.xml

<theme_dir>/Swissup_Highlight/layout/highlight_view_onsale.xml example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi=""
        <referenceBlock name="category.products.list">
            <action method="setOrder">
                <argument name="order" xsi:type="string">price</argument>
            <action method="setDir">
                <argument name="dir" xsi:type="string">asc</argument>

Create custom page

Let’s create a widget and a page that will show all bestsellers from “Fitness Equipment” category only:


Open your homepage in backend and add “Highlight: Bestsellers” widget. When using “Bestsellers” widget, “View All” link is generated automatically according to highlight settings. But, in order show bestsellers from “Fitness Equipment” category we need to show url to another “custom” page. To do this, simply fill “URL” field when inserting a widget:

Page URL

Now our widget leads to non-existing “fitness-bestsellers” page. Let’s create it! Create a regular CMS page with following settings:

Option Value
Page Title Fitness Equipments Bestsellers
Content Heading Fitness Equipments Bestsellers
Contents Insert highlight widget with page_count=10 and filter by “Fitness” category.
URL Key fitness-bestsellers


Custom page with highlight widget

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