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Managing article

Tickets interface allows to manage article from admin interface. Admin users can create faq from the backend.

In order to create faq article from the backend, go Admin > Swissup > KnowledgeBase > FAQ(s) and click on Add New.

General tab

New faq interface

  • In Enabled field select Yes, if you allow admin users to escalate issues within the appropriate hidden faq.
  • In the Title field specify the faq Title.


  • In the Content field specify the faq content. Content field allows you to specify a content for each article. You can use either default Magento WYSIWYG editor or pure html code.
  • In the Sort Order field specify the faq sort order.
  • In the Rating field specify the faq one more sort ordering.

Search Engine Optimization

  • In the Url Key field specify the faq url identifier.
  • In the Meta Title field specify the faq meta title.
  • In the Meta Keywords field specify the faq meta keywords.
  • In the Meta Description field specify the faq meta description.


  • In the Category select the categories where the faq will be active. This setting allows you to assign support faq to separate category.


  • In the Store View select the store where the faq will be active. This setting allows you to assign support faq to separate store.

Click on Save.

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