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Marketplace module makes much easier to install Magento modules from official Magento Marketplace store and third-party vendor repositories. It provides a set of usefull commands to run via CLI and backend interface to install and update modules directly from backend.

Besides of getting the sources, activating the module, preparing static content, Marketplace module provides an extendable on-click installer to simplify after-installation tasks that could be required by the module:

  • Configuring the module.
  • Creation CMS pages, Blocks, and Widgets.
  • Copying media files to the pub/media folder.
  • Preparing product attributes and assign it to the products.
  • Preparing category data.
  • Any other command you can write on your own.


  1. Installation
  2. Changelog
  3. Command-line interface
  4. Backend interface
  5. Developers documentation
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