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NavigationPro provides its own widget that can be used across the site with the help of Content > Widgets page or could be inserted directly into supported content areas (The one with Insert Widget button above the textarea).

Insert Widget Button

You can also use widget programmatically via layout xml instructions. The options below will help you to find option code to use:

Widget Options

Option Name Code Description
Menu identifier NavigationPro menu indentfier
Show Active Branch Only show_active_branch Enable Amazon-like sidebar menu
Initially Shown Levels Count visible_levels Menu with initially expanded levels. Could be used separately from Show Active Branch Only option
Theme theme Menu theme
Orientation orientation Choose between horizontal (Top), vertical (Sidebar), and accordion (Sidebar) menus.
Dropdown Positioning dropdown_side Choose between Standard, Left (Useful when menu is added to right column), and Top dropdown sides
Additional CSS Class css_class Additional css class for menu
Wrap into Block Template wrap Usefull, when placing menu into sidebar
Block Title block_title Block wrapper title
Block CSS Class block_css Block wrapper class

Layout XML usage

<referenceContainer name="">
    <block class="Swissup\Navigationpro\Block\Widget\Menu" name="" template="Swissup_Navigationpro::menu.phtml">
            <argument name="identifier" xsi:type="string">sidebar</argument>
            <argument name="show_active_branch" xsi:type="boolean">true</argument>
            <argument name="theme" xsi:type="string">compact</argument>
            <argument name="orientation" xsi:type="string">vertical</argument>
            <argument name="wrap" xsi:type="boolean">true</argument>

PHP Code

echo $block->getLayout()
        'identifier' => 'sidebar',
        'show_active_branch' => true,
        'theme' => 'compact',
        'orientation' => 'vertical',
        'wrap' => true,

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