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Speculation Rules setup

Store > Configuration > Swissup > Speculation Rules

Main section

Option Description
Enable Allows to enable/disable module per store view
Speculation Rules Textarea allows to change predefined Speculations Rules

Speculation rules take the form of a JSON structure that determine what resources should be prefetched or prerendered by the browser. This is part of the Speculation Rules API.

Speculation Rules Syntax Docs

Predefined Rules

    'prerender': [{
        'source': 'document',
        'where': {
            'and': [
                { 'href_matches': '/*' },
                { 'not': {'selector_matches': [ '.action', '.skip-prerender']}},
                { 'not': {'selector_matches': '[rel~=nofollow]'}},
                { 'not': {'href_matches': [
        'eagerness': 'moderate'
See also

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