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Highlight Widgets

Highlight extension provides a set of widgets which purpose is to list any kind of products filtered with flexible tools. It allows you to easely show new, featured, onsale, bestsellers, popular products. It’s even can show products filtered by custom filters.

There are following widget types are available:

Type Description
highlight/product_new New Products, ordered by news_from_date attribute
highlight/product_featured Products with enabled featured attribute
highlight/product_special Products with non-empty special_price attribute, ordered by special_from_date
highlight/product_popular Most viewed products. Calculation is based on Magento Reports data
highlight/product_bestseller Most sellable products. Calculation is based on Magento Sales data
highlight/product_random All visible products. Usefull to manually filter products
highlight/product_reports_viewed Recently viewed products of current visitor
highlight/review_new Recenlty reviewed products with review data
highlight/product_attribute_date Products filtered by any date attribute. Attribute value is compared with current date
highlight/product_attribute_yesno Products filtered by any yes/no attribute. Products with enabled attribute are returned


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