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Argento “Can’t generate content” at Magento 2.2 homepage

Magento 2.2 version is not using that widget part anymore:


but it is included in installation for earlier versions support.


  1. Open your homepage content and turn off WYSIWYG editor to see the raw code
  2. Find all Highlight widgets
  3. Remove that part conditions_encoded="a:1:[i:1;a:4....;]]" from every widget
  4. Save. Enjoy!

Getting error: Required parameter ‘theme_dir’ was not passed

Such errors can happen if you have “virtual” themes instead of “normal”. That sometimes happens during the upgrade.


  • Go to PhpMyAdmin > Your Magento2 database
  • Find the "theme" table
  • And make sure that all theme types are set to '0'
  • In case any of them have type = '1' change it to '0'
  • Error should be gone

Troubleshooting Checklist

Often the problems are not related to Swissup themes or modules. But it takes much time to get your credentials, login to server, find out the problem solution.

Before developers check your problem we recommend you to run through the following list points. It will save your time and make the support faster and effective:

  • Check if you have the latest Argento version.
    • Admin > Swissup > Module Management - modules’ versions should be ‘GREEN’
    • Please UPGRADE when required.

    Clear cache and test if the error still there

  • Swith your current Argento theme design to Magento default LUMA

    • Admin > Content > Configuration > Find your theme > Edit > Set Magento Luma

    Clear cache and test the behavior at default theme

  • Disable all Swissup modules (run following terminal command from your store root folder)

      bin/magento module:status | grep 'Swissup_' | xargs bin/magento module:disable

    Clear cache and test if the error still there

  • Disable all 3rd-party modules

    Clear cache and test if the error still there

If none of previous actions haven’t fixed/removed the problem

  • Please, create a ticket in Argento Helpdesk.
  • Send the store credentials (SSH/FTP/Magento admin etc.) if required
  • Add the screenshots for better/faster understanding
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