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Ajax Layered Navigation

Magento 2 layered navigation extension is must-have for every website with extensive product catalogs with plenty of attributes. With Ajax Layered Navigation module, you will benefit by:

  • Using multiple choices for the same filterable attribute.
  • The display of Magento 2 ajax layered navigation block both on the homepage and category pages.
  • Using a custom layered navigation filter.
  • Setting the price slider individually for each category.
  • The optional ajax page content’s update.
  • Using New, In stock, Out of Stock and On Sale filters in Magento 2 layered navigation multi select.
  • The functionality to filter products by rating.
  • Ajax loading of search results.
  • User-friendly product search by name.
  • Setting slideout filters on a sidebar.
  • Mobile-friendly custom product collection with layered navigation.
  • Multi-store and multi-language support.

Custom layered navigation filter


  1. Installation
  2. Changelog
  3. Frontend settings
  4. Configuration
  5. Use cases
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