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Custom form with a Consent

GDPR module will automatically add and validate known consents in all registered forms. All we need is to register new form with one or more consents.

  1. Add forms_load_before event listener in etc/events.xml file:

    <event name="swissup_gdpr_personal_data_forms_load_before">
        <observer name="vendor_module_register_form" instance="Vendor\Module\Observer\RegisterPersonalDataForms" />
  2. Create RegisterPersonalDataForms observer that will register your form:

    namespace Vendor\Module\Observer;
    class RegisterPersonalDataForms implements \Magento\Framework\Event\ObserverInterface
         * @param \Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer
         * @return void
        public function execute(\Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer)
                new \Swissup\Gdpr\Model\PersonalDataForm([
                    'id'     => 'vendor:product-question',
                    'name'   => 'Vendor: Product Questions',
                    'action' => 'module_controller_action',
                    'js_config' => [
                        // Hardcoded consents. Do not add any, if you wish to control them from the configuration
                        'consents' => [
                                'enabled' => 1,
                                'sort_order' => 20,
                                'html_id' => 'vendor_module_consent',
                                'title' => __('I agree to my personal data being stored and used to display my questions on the site'),

    In the example above, a minimal PersonalDataForm setup is used. It will be automatically expanded into full-featured config:

        'id'        => 'vendor:product-question',
        'name'      => 'Vendor: Product Questions',
        'action'    => 'module_controller_action',
        'client_identity_field' => 'email',
        'js_config' => [
            'async' => '',
            'form' => 'form[action*="module/controller/action"]',
            'destination' => '> fieldset:last',
            'method' => 'append',
            'consents' => []

    Available PersonalDataForm options:

    Name Description
    id Unique string identifier.
    name Form name in readable format.
    action Full action name, where the form is submitted.
    client_identity_field Usually it’s an email from the form data. Indicate another field, if your form doesn’t use email.
    js_config Client-side config, used to insert consents into the form.
    async Element selector. Usefull for forms rendered via knockout library. Enter selector and consent will be inserted when async element is rendered.
    form Form selector.
    destination Element selector. It must be inside form.
    method Method to use, when inserting consent. Available options: append, prepend, after, before.
    consents Array of consents to render. This array will be merged with consents from configuration. You can use it hardcode some consent into your form without a config.
  3. Check if everything works as expected. You should now see your form in the consents configuration
  4. Optional: Using GDPR configuration, activate some more consents for your form and check the frontend. Client-side and server-side validations will work automatically!
  5. After the form is submitted with accepted consent, check Accepted Consents page. Your form is added here too!

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