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Marketplace CLI

Command-line interface - is the fastest way to work with Marketplace.

Usually you will need to run up to six commands:

# Commonly used
bin/magento marketplace:auth:import                 # import auth data from COMPOSER_HOME folder
bin/magento marketplace:channel:enable <channel>    # enable channel and enter auth credentials if needed
bin/magento marketplace:package:require <package>   # download the package, enable it, deploy static ontent
bin/magento marketplace:package:install <package>   # run module installer (if module comes with it)
bin/magento marketplace:package:update <package>    # update the package

# Rarely used
bin/magento marketplace:channel:disable <channel>   # disable channel
bin/magento marketplace:package:remove <package>    # remove the package

All other commands are useful to debug some issues. They are not needed usually.

Authorization commands


This commands allows to set auth data for private repository. Useful when installing some custom module or theme:

composer config repositories.<id> vcs <>
bin/magento marketplace:auth <> <token> #
bin/magento marketplace:package:require <package/name>


Import auth data from auth.json files in COMPOSER_HOME and MAGENTO_ROOT folders

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:auth:import


Show path to auth.json file

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:auth:path


Check the auth credentials for the selected channel.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:auth:check magento


Set the credentials for selected channel.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:auth:set magento


Show the credentials for selected channel.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:auth:show magento


Add auth key for the selected channel, if channel uses keys based authorization.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:auth:key:add swissuplabs <key>


Remove auth key from the credentials info.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:auth:key:remove swissuplabs <key>

Channel commands


Add selected channel to the composer.json file.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:channel:enable magento


Remove selected channel from the composer.json file.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:channel:disable magento


Clean the cache for selected channel.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:channel:clean magento


View the list of registered channels.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:channel:list

Package commands


Download and activate requested Magento module.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:package:require <package>


Deactivate and remove requested Magento module.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:package:remove <package>


Run the installer for the requested module. If module provides an installer.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:package:install <package> Advanced usage examples:

# Run cms-page and config installers only for specified store
bin/magento marketplace:package:install <package> store=ID cms-page config

# Run all except cms-page installer for specified store
bin/magento marketplace:package:install <package> store=ID skip-cms-page

Known installers:

  • cms-page
  • cms-block
  • config
  • tabs
  • menu
  • slider
  • banner
  • widget


Update the module the the latest version.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:package:update <package>


View the list of available module versions.

Usage: bin/magento marketplace:package:show <package>

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