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Basically there are 2 ways of sending reminders: through the cron and after approving the email by administrator. Use Email settings to set up the correct sending of reminders.

Email settings

  • Transport - select Yes to transmit messages from sender to recipient.
  • Queue - specify a queue value when a delivery should start.
  • Email sender - choose a sender from drop down
  • Enable admin notification - select Yes in case you want to receive an admin notification when new cart was abandoned.
  • Admin email - specify an email where the notification will be sent to.
  • Default email template admin notification - choose a template for admin notification.

Rule information

Before sending a reminder you have to specify the information in Rule fields. Generally you can send reminders to specific customer groups and to various stores. You’re allowed to update a product price, add a discount, set the time range, etc.

Main fieldset

Carts history grid

  • Name - enter a name for the rule.
  • Status - select a status.
  • Need admin approving - select Yes or No.
  • Email template - choose the email template that was created before.
  • Delivery date - this settings shows dates+hours+minutes.
  • Days - specify a number of days after an email should be sent.
  • Hours - define time.
  • Minutes - define minutes.
  • Customer groups - mark the customer groups the email will be sent to.
  • Sort order - specify the sort order.
  • From date - choose a date from a calendar.
  • To date - choose a date from a calendar.


Choose a condition from drop down to apply to the rule.

Carts history grid


You have to fill out fields in case you need to update a price for a product in the reminder.

Carts history grid

  • Apply - choose a value from drop down.
  • Discount amount - specify a discount number.

NB - if you need to create another one rule, you can easily do it in Magento functional by navigating to Promotions > Shopping cart price rules.

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