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AMP developers documentation

Our AMP module uses several features in order to render AMP-compatible page.

  • Layout updates whitelist
  • Block types whitelist
  • Resources to include per block instance

Let’s assume, you have a “News” module with yournamespace_news.xml layout update and news/list block that you want to render at AMP site.


Blocks and layout updates whitelist

In order to prevent broken AMP markup, all third-party blocks and layout updates are skipped when AMP theme is used. If your module is AMP-friendly, you need to tell AMP about that: open Mymodule/etc folder and create tmamp.xml file with following content:


That’s all. Now your layout update instructions will be readed by AMP module and block will be rendered as well.

AMP specific template

In most cases you can use the same template that is used for desktop theme. You don’t need to care about img, iframe, video, audio tags since our AMP module will convert these tags into amp compatible tags automatically.

You can even add data-tmamp- attributes to your elements and they will be used for AMP tags. This feature can be used, to manually set layout attribute that is used to render elements in AMP. Example:

<!-- This image -->
<img src=".." alt="." data-tmamp-layout="fixed"/>

<!-- Will be transformed into (We will calculate width and height automatically): -->

<amp-img src=".." alt="." layout="fixed" with="." height="."></amp-img>

However if you really want to use specific markup in template for AMP site, you can choose one of the following ways to accomplish your needs:

  • Place copy of your original template into app/design/frontend/tmamp/default/[../..] folder and change that copy
  • Or you can add specific xml layout update for the amp theme with tmamp_ prefixed handle

AMP specific layout update

All page handles are duplicated with tmamp_ prefix, when AMP theme is used.

For example, when your module using the following layout for desktop theme:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="">
            <action method="setTemplate">
        <reference name="product_list">
            <action method="setTemplate">

You can add the following update for tmamp theme only:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="">
            <action method="setTemplate">
        <reference name="product_list">
            <action method="setTemplate">

Include module styles

In case if you need to apply some extra styles to your block, open Mymodule/etc folder and create tmamp.xml file if it’s not there. Now add additional includes instructions:

                        <!-- Include tmamp.scss from skin/frontend/base/default/yournamespace/news/css folder -->

We recommend to use @extend directives in your scss in order to serve compact css styles for mobile clients. For example, if you need to apply styles similar to listing, don’t write much, use extend feature:

.news {
    @extend %listing;

    &-item {
        @extend %listing-item;
    &-title {
        @extend %listing-item-title;

    .actionbar {
        @extend %actionbar;

You can add the styles from layout update xml also:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="tmamp.styles">
            <!-- Inlude tmamp.scss from skin/frontend/base/default/yournamespace/news/css folder -->
            <action method="addItem"><name>yournamespace/news/css/tmamp</name></action>

The difference between tmamp.xml and layout update xml is that in first case styles will be included if the block was rendered. In the second case styles will be always included despite of which blocks were rendered on the page.

The first approach is recommended as it will skip styles that is not needed on the page.

Include AMP component

In case if you need to activate one of AMP components for your block, open Mymodule/etc folder and create tmamp.xml file if it’s not there. Now add additional includes instructions:


That’s all. Now AMP will include this resource automatically, when your block will be rendered.

Add AMP support for the third-party page

Single page module

In order to add your page into supported list you should add the following event listener in your config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And add prepareConfig implementation:


class My_Module_Model_Observer_Tmamp
    public function prepareConfig($observer)
        $pages = $observer->getPages();
        $optionArray = $pages->getData();
        $optionArray['mymodule_index_index'] = Mage::helper('mymodule')->__('My module');

You’re done. The page will be rendered in AMP mode in case if you are using AMP for all supported pages. Otherwise, you need to enable your page in AMP configuration.

Multiple pages module

In case if your module has multiple handles and you want to support all of them, you can follow instructions below:

Add the following event listeners in your config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And add my_module/observer_tmamp implementation:


class My_Module_Model_Observer_Tmamp
    public function prepareConfig($observer)
        $pages = $observer->getPages();
        $optionArray = $pages->getData();
        $optionArray['mymodule'] = Mage::helper('mymodule')->__('My module');

    public function isPageSupported($observer)
        $result = $observer->getResult();
        $page = $result->getCurrentPage();
        $supportedPages = $result->getSupportedPages();

        if (0 === strpos($page, 'mymodule') && in_array('mymodule', $supportedPages)) {

You’re done. The page will be rendered in AMP mode in case if you are using AMP for all supported pages. Otherwise, you need to enable your page in AMP configuration.

Working examples of third-party modules

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