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Share Reward Discount Code

Share Reward Discount Code is a new feature of Social Suite extension, that allows customers to get an instant 5% or more discount on any purchase from your store while they Like you on Facebook, post a Tweet or rate you at Google Plus. Discount Modal window comes with responsive design.

Discount Code

Please, select Yes in the Enabled field to enable Share Reward Discount Code option. Now your customers can see the basic code, which is used when you’re running your advertisement. Let’s make it unique. We recommend you to auto-generate the specified number of coupon codes for each promotion you run. In order to do that, please go Auto-generated coupon codes creation.

  • Shopping Cart Price rule - select the value of Shopping Cart rule to set the discount to the product from shopping cart.
  • Enabled Banner in Shopping Cart - select Yes to enable the placing of banner in shopping cart.
  • Shopping Cart Banner Image - select the image of banner to be displayed.
  • Modal Window Title - please specify the modal window title to draw attention to the information about discount code. We recommend to use value like Get Your Discount code!
  • In the Modal Window Description field please identify the description of modal window.

Facebook share options

Please select Yes in the Enabled Facebook Like field to allow customers to share Facebook Like.

Then specify Facebook Url in the Facebook Url for Like field.

Google Plus share options

Select Yes in the Enabled Google Plus Like field to allow customers to share Google Plus Like.

Then specify Google Url in the Google Url for Like field.

Twitter share options

Select Yes in the Enabled Twitter Share field to allow customers to share Tweet.

After that specify Tweet URL in the Url for Tweet field. In the Text to Tweet field please specify the text to be Tweeted. We recommend use value like “You can get 5% discount for tweeting about this “.

Auto-generated coupon codes

Promote your web-store by offering discounts to customers. You can propose either total or unique coupon code. One of the most useful Magento features is Use Auto Generation. It allows you to auto-generate the specified number of coupon codes in a few clicks.

So, in order to set up the generation of multiple coupons codes in your store, please go to Admin > Promotion > Shopping Cart Price Rules. You can Add New Rule or use already created Social Coupon as an example.

Auto-Generated Coupon

Select Rule information tab and fill the appropriate fields in the fieldset. Please notice, that in the Coupon field you have to select the Specific Coupon value. It will enable Use Auto Generation rule. Tick the box and finish filling the last fields. Click Save and Continue edit. Now in the Shopping Cart Price rule you see a new Manage Coupon Codes tab. After you filled Conditions, Actions and Labels tabs fields, go to Manage Coupon Codes tab.

At Coupons Information fieldset please fill the fields as following:

  • Coupon Q-ty - specify the number of coupons,that you gonna generate.
  • Code length - specify the code length.
  • Code format - select the format how you want to specify the coupon code.
  • Code suffix - define and specify the code suffix.
  • Dash Every X Characters - specify the number of dash. We recommend you to make it easy to read.

Press Generate button. Now you see the list of Coupon Codes that were generated. You can use it within Social Suite configuration.

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