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Argento Breeze Changelog

Version 2.4.0

May 9, 2024

  • Scroll reveal animations added all themes. See upgrade guide on how to add scroll reveal to existing CMS pages.
  • Zoom on hover animation added to product listing in Force and Chic themes.
  • Fixed menu styles in Force and Stripes themes.
  • Fixed too large MSRP message in Force theme.
  • Fixed js errors when using unpack feature from [Pagespeed] module.


Version 2.3.1

Apr 23, 2024

  • Magento 2.4.7 compatibility.


  • Added redirect from pages with trailing slash to the pages without trailing slash.


  • Added mass product content generation.
  • Added content generation for category description and meta tags.
  • Added product meta title and keywords generation.


  • Fixed inability to remove slide description.


  • Improve styles for cookie togglers.
  • Fixed missing toggler focus style.


  • Fixed not working page_count parameter when ajax carousel is used.


  • Magenfan Blog integration updated.

Version 2.3.0

Mar 7, 2024

  • ArgentoChic: Fixed Askit styles when gravatar is enabled.
  • ArgentoChic: Fixed incorrectly rotated “close” buttons in askit questions.
  • Compatibility with latest Breeze Frontend.
  • JS fixes in all bundled modules.


  • Fixed possible incorrect edit URL in backend.
  • Updated integration with latest GDPR module.


  • Added inegration with Google Consent Mode.
  • Preferences cookie group added. Advertisement group is replaced by marketing.


  • Fixed possible js error “blockData” on undefined.
  • Fixed carousel styles.


  • Prevent possible exception from Magento_Review module on product listing page when AjaxLayeredNavigation module is used.
  • Smile Integration update. Fix PHP error “Illegal offset type in isset or empty”

Version 2.2.0

Nov 28, 2023

  • ArgentoChic theme added.
  • Performance improvements in slider, colorswatches, and auth popup components.
  • Performance improvements in Easycatalogimg, Highlight, Easyslide, and Testimonials modules.
  • BreezeTheme and BreezeModule updated to the latest versions.
  • Fixed not working dropdown position in NavigationPro module.
  • Fixed not working lightbox/awesomebar popups in EasyBanner module.
  • Minor fixes and improvements in all bundled themes and modules.

Version 2.1.0

Jul 27, 2023

  • Magento 2.4.6 and PHP 8.2 compatibilty in all modules.
  • ChatGPT Assistant module added
  • Tabs are no longer transformed into accordion on mobile devices by default to meet accesibility requirements.
  • Accessibility fixes in EasyTabs and NavigationPro modules.
  • Performance improvements in SeoSuite and SoldTogether modules.
  • Added ability to set active_from and active_to properties for each of EasySlider slides.
  • Pagebuilder added to backend description and short description fields of AttributePages module.
  • Added ability to sort NavigationPro menu items in alphabetical order.
  • Minor fixes and improvements in all bundled modules.

Version 2.0.0

Nov 19, 2022

Run composer require -w swissup/argento-breeze:^2.0 to update from old version.

  • Breeze Module and Breeze Blank theme updated to 2.0. See the list of breaking changes
  • Force Theme added.
  • Added missing logo in email templates.
  • Improve product listing on mobile devices.

Version 1.0.1

Jul 19, 2022

  • Removed Swiper dependency (30kB) from Swissup_Highlight module when using Breeze-based theme. Built-in Breeze slider will be used now.
  • Fixed not working gallery in AjaxPro quick view popup.
  • Fixed css issue with quick view button when critical css is enabled.

Version 1.0.0

Jun 17, 2022

  • Initial release of Breeze-based Argento Stripes theme.
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