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Product option block

Product option block could be used to show the brand logo (or any other attribute) for a single product with php, layout xml update or widget interface.

Attribute based pages frontend

It’s not recommended to use the block for a product collection. Use specially optimized product option helper for collections.

Table of Contents

Block methods

Method Arguments Description
setProduct Product model Options of this product will be shown
setAttributeCode Attribute code or array of attribute codes Indicate attribute(s) to load
setAttributeToShow Attribute code or array of attribute codes Use to display only some of loaded options
setAttributeToHide Attribute code or array of attribute codes Use to hide some of loaded options
setParentPageIdentifier String or key => value array Use when some attribute is linked to multiple attribute pages and you want to clarify which to render. For example: brands/amd and computers/amd and you would like to build a link to computers/amd
setParentLinkTitle String or key => value array Use to show additional link aside of attribute image/text
setCssClass hidden-label
Hide page title
Center options
Show options line by line
Use clear: all for options list
setCssStyle Css styles: margin-top: 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; Use to customize any style
setUseImage Boolean or key => value array Ability to toggle between image and text modes
setUseLink Boolean or key => value array Ability to render option as link or as a plain image or text
setWidth Integer Image width
setHeight Integer Image height
setKeepFrame Boolean Set false to resize image by larger side only
setTemplate String Render options with custom template

Inline php code

    echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('Swissup\Attributepages\Block\Product\Option')

Layout xml update

The product will be taken from registry automatically.

<referenceContainer name="">
    <block class="Swissup\Attributepages\Block\Product\Option" template="Swissup_Attributepages::product/options.phtml" name="attributepage_brand">
            <argument name="attribute_code" xsi:type="string">brand</argument>
            <argument name="use_image" xsi:type="boolean">true</argument>
            <argument name="image_type" xsi:type="string">thumbnail</argument>
            <argument name="width" xsi:type="number">45</argument>
            <argument name="height" xsi:type="number">15</argument>
            <argument name="use_link" xsi:type="boolean">true</argument>
            <argument name="css_class" xsi:type="string">hidden-label</argument>

Widget interface

The product will be taken from registry automatically.

Widget popup

You can add this widget to the product page at Content > Elements > Widgets page with following layout update instructions:

Layout update instructions

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