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Category Name Templates

There are multiple ways to apply custom template for menu item:

  • Change it for particular item only - Select some item in the tree, and use Item Name Renderer.
  • Change it for multiple items at once - Use Mass Edit popup.
  • Change template for all items at particular level - Open Menu Settings, Click Item Settings and work with level you’d like to affect.
Default renderer
<a href="{{var item.url}}" class="{{var item.class}}">
Category tips

View more information about category badges at separate page

Category tips

<a href="{{var item.url}}" class="{{var item.class}}">
    <span style="top: 5px;" class="tip top accent">New</span>
Category images

Thumbnail - is the attribute created by our another awesome module - EasyCatalogImages.

Category images

<a href="{{var item.url}}" class="{{var item.class}}{{depend remote_entity.thumbnail}} navpro-a-with-thumbnail{{/depend}}">
    {{depend remote_entity.thumbnail}}
        <img src="{{media url=''}}/catalog/category/{{var remote_entity.thumbnail}}" />
Category icons

Thumbnail - is the attribute created by our another awesome module - EasyCatalogImages.

Category icons

<a href="{{var item.url}}" class="{{var item.class}}">
    {{depend remote_entity.thumbnail}}
        <img style="margin:-2px 7px 0 0" class="va-middle" src="{{media url=''}}/catalog/category/{{var remote_entity.thumbnail}}" />

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