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Theme Editor

Theme editor provides a quick way to change Argento styles with minimum css knowledge.

Theme editor is located at Magento Admin > Stores > Configuration > Swissup. Select Argento Pure2 among list of available themes there.


  1. Layout
  2. Header
  3. Footer
  4. Product Tabs
  5. Buttons
  6. Fonts
  7. Additional css styles
  8. Result examples


Layout section allows you to apply boxed, full-width or standard page layouts from backend settings interface.

There are three options available to configure:

Option Default Value Description
Body background #fff Body backgorund
Page wrapper width none Page width around content
Content wrapper width 1180px Content width

Take at look at the picture below with highlighted layout regions:

Argento Pure2 Layout Structure

  1. Body’s background.

    Body’s background is covered by page wrapper and it’s not visible by default.

    Set the ‘Page wrapper’ max-width (1280px for example) to reveal body background.

  2. Boxed Layout

    Set the ‘Page wrapper’ max-width (1280px for example) to enable boxed layout

  3. Full-Width Layout

    Set the ‘Page wrapper’ and ‘Content wrapper’ max-width’s to 100%

  4. Default Layout

    Set the ‘Page wrapper’ max-width to 100%

    Set the ‘Content wrapper’ max-width to 1180px

Header section allows to customize top toolbar, header shadow and navigation styles.

Argento Pure2 Header Structure

Footer section allows to customize top toolbar, content and bottom toolbar parts.

Argento Pure2 Footer Structure

Product Tabs

Tabs section allows you to customize border, background and fonts for product tabs.

Product tabs


Customize primary and secondary buttons colors.

Primary button


Fonts section allows you to customize styles for page headers, block titles, and product name in category listing.

Product name font

Additional css styles

Use this section to add any other specific styles.

Result examples

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